/** * @package Escapium HTML * @version 1.2.2 * Template Scripts * Created by Dan Fisher */ ;(function ($){ 'use strict'; // Preloader $(window).on('load', function () { $('#js-preloader').delay(0).fadeOut(); $('#js-preloader-overlay').delay(200).fadeOut('slow'); }); $.fn.exists = function () { return this.length > 0; }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Predefined Variables /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ var mainNav = $('.main-nav'); var roomsGrid = $('.js-rooms--grid'); var mainSlider = $('.js-main-slider'); var roomSlick = $('.js-room-single-slick'); var roomsRelated = $('.js-rooms-related'); var InstaFeed = $('#instagram-feed'); var InstaFeedTagged = $('#instagram-feed-tagged'); var mpSingle = $('.mp_single-img'); var mpGallery = $('.mp_gallery'); var mpIframe = $('.mp_iframe'); var gmap = $('.gm-map'); var testiSlick = $('.js-testimonials-slick'); var Core = { initialize: function () { this.stickyHeader(); this.headerNav(); this.isotope(); this.slickSlider(); this.instagramFeed(); this.googleMap(); this.magnificPopupInit(); this.animateOnScroll(); this.miscScripts(); }, stickyHeader: function () { var $headerHeight = $('#header').innerHeight(); $('.page-heading').css('padding-top', $headerHeight); $('#header').jPinning({ // offset for header to hide or show in pixels offset: 100, }); }, headerNav: function () { if (mainNav.exists()) { var wrapper = $('.site-wrapper'); var navList = $('.main-nav__list'); var navListLi = $('.main-nav__list > li'); var toggleBtn = $('#header-mobile__toggle'); // Clone Log In Link var navLogin = $('.nav-secondary__login').clone(); navLogin.appendTo(navList); // Mobile Menu Toggle toggleBtn.on('click', function (){ wrapper.toggleClass('site-wrapper--has-overlay'); $(this).toggleClass('burger-menu-icon--active'); }); $('.site-overlay, .main-nav__back').on('click', function (){ wrapper.toggleClass('site-wrapper--has-overlay'); toggleBtn.toggleClass('burger-menu-icon--active'); }); $('.site-overlay').on('click', function (e){ e.preventDefault(); wrapper.removeClass('site-wrapper--has-overlay-pushy site-wrapper--has-overlay'); }); // Add toggle button and class if menu has submenu navListLi.has('.main-nav__sub').addClass('has-children').prepend(''); navListLi.has('.main-nav__megamenu').addClass('has-children').prepend(''); $('.main-nav__toggle').on('click', function (){ $(this).toggleClass('main-nav__toggle--rotate').parent().siblings().children().removeClass('main-nav__toggle--rotate'); $('.main-nav__sub, .main-nav__megamenu').not($(this).siblings('.main-nav__sub, .main-nav__megamenu')).slideUp('normal'); $(this).siblings('.main-nav__sub').slideToggle('normal'); $(this).siblings('.main-nav__megamenu').slideToggle('normal'); }); // Add toggle button and class if submenu has sub-submenu $('.main-nav__list > li > ul > li').has('.main-nav__sub-2').addClass('has-children').prepend(''); $('.main-nav__list > li > ul > li > ul > li').has('.main-nav__sub-3').addClass('has-children').prepend(''); $('.main-nav__toggle-2').on('click', function (){ $(this).toggleClass('main-nav__toggle--rotate'); $(this).siblings('.main-nav__sub-2').slideToggle('normal'); $(this).siblings('.main-nav__sub-3').slideToggle('normal'); }); // Search Form $('.js-search-form-control').on('click', function (e){ $('html, body').addClass('search-active'); $('.input-search').focus(); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.js-search-form-close').on('click', function (e){ $('html, body').removeClass('search-active'); e.preventDefault(); }); } }, isotope: function () { if (roomsGrid.exists() ) { var isotopeGrid = roomsGrid.imagesLoaded(function () { var $filter = $('.js-filter'); // init Isotope after all images have loaded isotopeGrid.isotope({ filter: '*', itemSelector: '.room', layoutMode: 'fitRows', masonry: { columnWidth: '.room' } }); // filter items on button click $filter.on('click', 'button', function () { var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $filter.find('button').removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-outline-secondary'); $(this).removeClass('btn-outline-secondary').addClass('btn-primary'); isotopeGrid.isotope({ filter: filterValue }); }); }); } }, slickSlider: function () { // Single Room Slider if (mainSlider.exists()) { mainSlider.on('init', function (e, slick) { var firstAnimatingElements = $('.main-slider__item:first-child').find('[data-animation]'); doAnimations(firstAnimatingElements); }); mainSlider.on('beforeChange', function (e, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) { var $animatingElements = $('.main-slider__item[data-slick-index="' + nextSlide + '"]').find('[data-animation]'); doAnimations($animatingElements); }); mainSlider.slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 7000, arrows: false, dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 600, fade: true, rows: 0, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)', }); } // Single Room Slider if (roomSlick.exists()) { roomSlick.slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 7000, arrows: false, dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 600, fade: true, rows: 0, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)' }); } // Related Rooms if (roomsRelated.exists()) { roomsRelated.slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, rows: 0, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, arrows: true } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, arrows: true } } ] }); } // Testimonials if (testiSlick.exists()) { testiSlick.slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 7000, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 600, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)', slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', rows: 0, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, arrows: false } } ] }); } }, instagramFeed: function (){ if (InstaFeed.exists()) { var instaFeed = new Instafeed({ get: 'user', target: 'instagram-feed', userId: '6679748018', accessToken: '', limit: 6, template: '
  • ' }); instaFeed.run(); } if (InstaFeedTagged.exists()) { var instaFeedTagged = new Instafeed({ get: 'user', target: 'instagram-feed-tagged', userId: '6679748018', accessToken: '', limit: 8, template: '
  • {{likes}} {{comments}}
  • ', resolution: 'low_resolution' }); instaFeedTagged.run(); } }, googleMap: function () { // Google Map if (gmap.exists()) { gmap.each(function () { var $elem = $(this); var mapAddress = $elem.attr('data-map-address') ? $elem.attr('data-map-address') : 'New York, USA'; var mapZoom = $elem.attr('data-map-zoom') ? $elem.attr('data-map-zoom') : '15'; var mapIcon = $elem.attr('data-map-icon') ? $elem.attr('data-map-icon') : ''; var mapStyle = $elem.attr('data-map-style'); var stylesOutput = ''; // Skins if (mapStyle === 'default') { // Skin: Default stylesOutput = [{'featureType': 'administrative.country','elementType': 'geometry','stylers': [{'visibility': 'simplified'},{'hue': '#ff0000'}]}]; } else if (mapStyle === 'light-dream') { // Skin: Light Dream stylesOutput = [{'featureType': 'landscape', 'stylers': [{'hue': '#FFBB00'}, {'saturation': 43.400000000000006}, {'lightness': 37.599999999999994}, {'gamma': 1}]}, {'featureType': 'road.highway', 'stylers': [{'hue': '#FFC200'}, {'saturation': -61.8}, {'lightness': 45.599999999999994}, {'gamma': 1}]}, {'featureType': 'road.arterial', 'stylers': [{'hue': '#FF0300'}, {'saturation': -100}, {'lightness': 51.19999999999999}, {'gamma': 1}]}, {'featureType': 'road.local', 'stylers': [{'hue': '#FF0300'}, {'saturation': -100}, {'lightness': 52}, {'gamma': 1}]}, {'featureType': 'water', 'stylers': [{'hue': '#0078FF'}, {'saturation': -13.200000000000003}, {'lightness': 2.4000000000000057}, {'gamma': 1}]}, {'featureType': 'poi', 'stylers':[{'hue': '#00FF6A'}, {'saturation': -1.0989010989011234}, {'lightness': 11.200000000000017}, {'gamma': 1}]}]; 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} $elem.gmap3({ zoom: Number(mapZoom), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, scrollwheel: false, address: mapAddress, styles: stylesOutput, }).marker({ address: mapAddress, icon: mapIcon, }); }); } }, magnificPopupInit: function (){ if (mpSingle.exists()) { // Single Image $('.mp_single-img').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', removalDelay: 300, gallery: { enabled: false }, mainClass: 'mfp-fade', autoFocusLast: false, }); } if (mpGallery.exists() ) { // Multiple Images (gallery) $('.mp_gallery').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', removalDelay: 300, gallery: { enabled: true }, mainClass: 'mfp-fade', autoFocusLast: false, }); } if (mpIframe.exists() ) { // Iframe (video, maps) $('.mp_iframe').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe', removalDelay: 300, mainClass: 'mfp-fade', autoFocusLast: false, patterns: { youtube: { index: 'youtube.com/', // String that detects type of video (in this case YouTube). Simply via url.indexOf(index). id: 'v=', // String that splits URL in a two parts, second part should be %id% // Or null - full URL will be returned // Or a function that should return %id%, for example: // id: function(url) { return 'parsed id'; } src: '//www.youtube.com/embed/%id%?autoplay=1' // URL that will be set as a source for iframe. }, vimeo: { index: 'vimeo.com/', id: '/', src: '//player.vimeo.com/video/%id%?autoplay=1' }, gmaps: { index: '//maps.google.', src: '%id%&output=embed' } }, srcAction: 'iframe_src', // Templating object key. First part defines CSS selector, second attribute. "iframe_src" means: find "iframe" and set attribute "src". }); } }, animateOnScroll: function () { AOS.init(); }, miscScripts: function () { }, }; function doAnimations(elements) { var animationEndEvents = 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend'; elements.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $animationDelay = $this.data('delay'); var $animationType = 'animated ' + $this.data('animation'); $this.css({ 'animation-delay': $animationDelay, '-webkit-animation-delay': $animationDelay }); $this.addClass($animationType).one(animationEndEvents, function() { $this.removeClass($animationType); }); }); } $(document).on('ready', function () { Core.initialize(); }); })(jQuery);